A Metacognitive MOOC Framework

Jennifer Roberts
University of South Africa (UNISA)

Ignatius Gous
University of South Africa (UNISA)


MOOC completion rates are well documented as being very low, in most cases, between 5% to 15% (Greene, Oswald, & Pomerantz, 2015; Jordan, 2014). Many reasons have been suggested for the low completion rate. This paper investigates the thesis that one of the predictors of the low completion rates, is that students are not satisfied with the overall experience (structure, content, delivery, etc.) of the MOOC. According to the SERVQUAL measurement scale of satisfaction, service quality can be defined as the difference between expectations and actual experiences. The argument put forward in this paper is that service quality will be enhanced if students’ expectation of the MOOC is well understood and that they are properly prepared for what to expect when undertaking the MOOC. This paper follows from an already accepted research paper featuring an auto ethnographic journey of undertaking a MOOC. The author proposed a metacognitive MOOC framework, from a learner’s perspective, based on her MOOC journey. In this paper, this metacognitive MOOC framework is examined in terms of reflective as well as practical components, to assist prospective MOOC students to be prepared for the experience and enhance their satisfaction with their MOOC.

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