Achieving Improved Quality and Validity: Reframing Research and Evaluation of Learning Technologies

Adrian Kirkwood
The Open University, United Kingdom

Linda Price
The Open University, United Kingdom


In recent years open and distance education (ODE) has increasingly been equated with digital learning technologies. Through the use of technology, universities in many countries now offer aspects of ODE, whether they are dedicated ODE institutions or teach primarily face-to-face. While the investment in technology has been considerable, findings from research and evaluation studies of learning technologies have had little impact on implementation decisions and teaching practices. Has research contributed to building a body of evidence that can inform and provide a firm foundation for subsequent developments in academic practice?Is evidence being generated and reported that can inform the practices of university teachers and students? Innovation and change should be evidence-informed and we need to ensure that the research and evaluation of learning technology produces findings that can inform other practitioners and policy-makers.

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